Every Moment Has a Purpose!
Every moment has a Purpose
Every Moment is a Gift
Whether you are aware of it or not, the notion that life is the creation of the intelligent design of God is proven by the discovery of the Fibonacci sequence. Or as they call it the golden ratio or divine proportion. It's in music, art, and every other aspect of life. It is a mathematical equation that exists within every aspect of nature.
How does it prove intelligent design, you may ask? It shows it in things like how ammonite shells require genetic instructions. This is evidence of intentional design because no natural law pulls silicon out of seawater and fashions it into exquisite spirals without being directed by a code. The ubiquity of it in so many unrelated phenomena, both living and nonliving, suggests a deeper level of design in the universe.
Doing this is so important to understand and accept because it will indirectly cause you to perceive life from an astonishing perspective that shows you how life presents an opportunity to grow and evolve into your most enlightened self, within every moment of your existence. You might not be able to understand how some negative experiences can be, in fact, positive experiences if only perceived through a new pair of eyes or lens (Beliefs). The truth of reality is that the most significant moments of life are built upon the lessons learned from the darkest moments of your existence.
You won't appreciate the warmth of a shower without first experiencing the bite of the cold.
You don't recognize true love until you first feel the sting of rejection.
You don't achieve success without the lessons learned from failure.
Life will forever appear against you until you learn to see the light within the darkness and the beauty within imperfection.
At the moment that you come to fully accept and see the divine purpose in every moment of your life, the burden of life is lifted because you finally know without a shadow of a doubt that YOU matter!