Fight or Flow
Life happens. This is true. As you live, your perspective and your willingness to learn from life are reflected back to you. You have choices.… If you believe you have to fight against or control life, it will fall apart and turn into a string of catastrophes. That’s because you’re focused on trying to keep your routines, your comfort, your bubble! More and more bad things happen. Because in some way you’re fighting against life, but really in essence you’re fighting against yourself, the current of life; you’re fighting against going into the next phase of your life because it involves letting go of what you think you know in order to learn of the truth that you wish not to face. Accepting the truth of your own ignorance is of course a scary thing to embrace, but you must in order for you to learn and grow.
You are trying to stand still in a world that is forever flowing, growing, and evolving. Change is inevitable—you can choose to change and learn, or you can resist it and miss out on the incredible opportunities life presents you for growing and experiencing the best of life.
In the beginning the people that I work with usually have a clear-cut goal in mind and are determined to fulfill it, but they’re still having problems that they don’t understand. Their early sessions are incredible to facilitate because they are A+ students, eyes on the prize. But comes time to leave the comfort zone and face the truth that challenges their beliefs, causing them to leave the safehaven of being right. I want to share this pattern with you because we all do it to some degree! We all share the same fear of being rejected or hurt in being wrong, and as a result we sometimes fall into denying the truth of things, just to avoid being proven wrong.
To address an issue, to fix a problem, is to be free of anxiety, stress, sadness, self-defeat. Be the person you were born to be. Desire to see the truth in all things, even if it means being wrong.
In the beginning most people are driven to achieve their goal, but after a certain point, they don’t want to go through the actual process that is required, for that would mean letting go of what they think they know. This usually results in struggle and confusion. To get past this, you need to understand the importance of the little things that you do each day and how they contribute towards your goal. Habits, behaviors, and overall mindset are the foundation for your success, in whatever venture. If you don’t pay close attention to the little things you do each day, you’ll find yourself struggling to fulfill your dreams for the simple reason that your actions and thoughts are not aligned with your desires and goals.
Your beliefs are the real reason why you don’t keep your momentum. You go back and forth because you fear the change. You do not want to change the way you live your life and let go of your false assumptions and beliefs. This is the hardest part because it requires you to accept being wrong and to enter into a state of vulnerability. Until you are willing to change the way in which you live your day to day life, and how you perceive the world, all the other work means nothing. Speaking and thinking all these things, doing your affirmations and having all these realizations, then doing the same actions, expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.
How does this happen when you want something so much? You’re doing the affirmations, you’re doing the sessions, you’re going through the process. How do you face these things you don’t want to face when you know what to do and now know that you’re holding yourself back by holding on to your old habits? What do you do? Here’s where the subconscious shows you who’s boss.
Your subconscious in most cases is telling you that if you’re wrong, you’re worthless, and if you’re worthless, you don’t deserve to be loved and will be hurt. This is learned in childhood, usually in situations where you were punished and rejected for being wrong. This makes being wrong in any area of your life very painful, and things that present the possibility of being wrong bring up fear. New situations and especially change demand that you learn and adapt—and often with learning, you fail. You are wrong, and that’s how you learn!
No one came into this life with all the knowledge and gifts and ways you should live your life and what to do. It was not gifted upon anyone. We learn it from experience, teachers, etc. You have to go through life and try many different perspectives and try many different things in order to rediscover who you were born to be.
What is your intent? What do you really want out of this life? Are you trying to change to earn love, or to be more right, or to be truly free? This is key in getting past this hurdle. What do you really want? Why do you want to change? What actions are you willing to take to live as the person you were born to be? What amount of comfort is worth surrendering for long-term peace, connection with your purpose, and genuine love and joy? Will you fight against life or flow with it?