How to Have Peace in the Chaos
So, you made it through the holidays! I want to take some time now to reflect on some things it can bring up for people. Often, when you’re in the midst of planning, traveling and spending time with family, it’s hard to analyze how you feel and why. The holidays are usually a time of peace, love, and celebration in many traditions. These traditions invoke a feeling of warmth, comfort, and nostalgia because of how you grew up celebrating them. This time can also bring up feelings of obligation along with vivid memories that cause you to sometimes doubt who you really are and what you truly desire in your heart. This doubt, pain and sometimes even dread, is shaped by our families and the way they felt during this time. The memories from your childhood affect you on a subconscious level influencing everything that you do.
I want to share with you the thoughts I’ve had around limiting beliefs and how deeply I’ve seen them affect people and their families during times of high expectation and obligation like Holiday time. Deaths, divorces and other emotional events tend to bring up the same emotions. These generational patterns, cycles, and beliefs come from the family we were born into. These learned habits are passed on over and over again until someone stops—fully faces them and deliberately changes course.
I know for myself, I was born to good people who were desperately trying to experience love and acceptance in all the ways they thought they could get it. In other words, they didn’t listen to their own desires and pursue them. They lived according to the beliefs, fears, and desires of other people, all to receive love and validation, but unfortunately, you can’t really call it to love if you had to earn it. These beliefs translate into expectations that we feel that we must fulfill to be loved and accepted. My parents missed out on experiencing life through their own unique perspective this way. They had co-dependent relationships with people to get what they thought they wanted or needed in their lives at the moment.
Common Limiting Beliefs
My happiness depends directly on what other people think/feel about me and do to me.
I can earn love by meeting other people’s needs and expectations
The amount of stress and anxiety these create is enormous—Forget having any genuine peace this way.
When you allow your life to be ruled by these limiting beliefs, it is the opposite of living life to the fullest. It robs you of a beautiful reality. Blinding you with fears and falsehoods that you’ve learned from your family as well as your own disappointments, failures, trauma, and emotional experiences you have had.
Here are some things to consider…
Are you loving, accepting and honoring yourself by living a life aligned with your purpose
in other words, doing things that challenge your weaknesses and facilitate your strengths)(something that challenges your weaknesses and facilitates your strengths)?
Do you sacrifice yourself to please others, only to have them disrespect you anyway?
Is your intent clear in stating your intentions for the New Year?
What is it you are desiring in 2020?
You want to address the feelings that come up with these questions. These feelings will lead you to your core beliefs and why you do what you do.
I want to remind you that true love is without expectations. That’s how you can enjoy this life a little bit more without feeling pressured to make everyone happy. The core desire for love, acceptance and connection is what we all desire. Realize that if you don’t feel loved, accepted or connected, it’s because of choices you’ve made to let your peace and happiness depend on things far beyond your control. You can have genuine peace in the freedom that comes with breaking free of limiting beliefs!
Love shines in the darkness, hope can heal the wounded soul. When you choose to stand in the light of who you are, you join with angels to sing, and you become connected by the love that breathes through us all. I hope you make time this year to truly honor yourself, genuinely experience peace and with a happy heart say...
It is well, it is well with my soul.