The Fighter
If you read Fight or Flow and feel you’re fighting against life… Here is a deeper look into some of the reasons you feel you’re in a fight.
Let’s start with the basics:
What do you believe?
Who do you believe you are?
When you ask yourself these questions and answer them sincerely, you discover and understand the origins of your core beliefs and how they dictate the rest of your life. When you see this clearly, you also see that ultimately you are the one who manifests elements of your life. Now, of course, life presents you with difficult challenges and obstacles for a reason—to teach you something that otherwise you would not of learned. Most people can be stubborn and this blinds them to what is right in front of them. Life is a matter of perspective.
For you, life is perceived as something that is against you and no matter what you do you will always have to fight to survive. Why else would you choose to live a life filled with only fleeting moments of pleasure? Why choose mere moments rather than seeking out the lasting happiness that resides in the pursuit of your own personal development? It’s not for selfish reasons you seek real joy, you seek it so you can genuinely help those you care about. When you are whole and full, you can overflow.
The Truth
Here are some more questions…
Why do you believe the game is rigged?
Why are you fighting against yourself?
At what point in life did you start to believe you had no true value?
What caused you to believe that the only good that you could do is sacrifice yourself
for the people around you?
Take the time to reflect on the truth, but not just your perspective of it, the whole truth, which can only be seen when you embrace being wrong, so you can see and learn the universal perspective. You’re not more damaged than anyone of us, you’re also not more capable. We are all blessed with our own weaknesses and strengths, which is why it’s so critical to walk our own paths, learn in our own ways, and live to fulfill who we were born to be so that we can help others do the same.
Remember, forgiveness is freedom. Here are some forgiveness statements for you to speak aloud, from your heart with real intent.
I forgive myself for believing that my only value is to sacrifice myself for others.
I forgive myself for fearing being seen in being loved and being rejected for it.
I forgive myself for believing that I need to control myself to be a good person.
I forgive myself for believing that my power corrupts me.