
Here’s how we do it…

Physical/Emotional - Dr. Evan Van Driel (Naturopathic Physician)

…will first make sure that you are getting the proper nutrition you need to meet your goal. Then through NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique) he will guide you to release the negative emotions that are causing you stress induced weight gain. Before finally using the Zerona z6 laser to physically eliminate the fat cells. 

Mentally/Spiritually - Susan Fry ( Personal Development Coach)                                                                          

..will help you identify and release the subconscious beliefs from the emotional pain that is the catalyst of all your negative habits and behaviors. This program is meant to help you Simply Love the truth of you, by facilitating your strengths and developing your weaknesses, so that you will believe in yourself. Thus allowing you to love, honor and accept your true authentic self—free of the world’s expectations!


The Zerona Z6 is a laser specifically designed for non-invasive body contouring and works without surgery, needles, pain, or side effects.  The laser light opens up a pore in the fat cells. It also tightens the skin in the areas treated, and can reduce the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, and scar tissue.  In addition, the 635 nm red light stops inflammation and repairs damaged cells, decreases stress hormones and improves growth hormone (HGH) production. B-12/MIC (skinny) injections and  ketamine are just a few of the added therapies that can improve the results of the program. 

Core Release Regression/Ketamine - Guided Meditation, using Ketamine to facilitate an opening of the mind, so that you might regress to the moments in your life where your core beliefs were formed, to help you change the neural pathways/beliefs behind your unhealthy habits and behaviors. It will jump start the process by identifying and releasing the patterns and cycles you may not even be aware of that are keeping you from living the life you desire. 


Week 1

  • Belief System Analysis - 1-½ hour session to identify core subconscious beliefs inhibiting your progress

  • Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire - Dr Evans Initial Exam - 30 min

  • Zerona Z6 Laser & Power Plate 1 hour

    Week 2  

  • Email - Principles for Practice - (Basic Five) (Letting Go) Removal of unnecessary stress factors, and implementation of healthy habits/ behaviors to create a  life of balance!

  • Zerona Z6 Laser & Power Plate 1 hour

    Week 3

  • Ketamine -   A guided meditation using Ketamine.  Core Release Regression, to release, fears, bad habits and behaviors on a subconscious level. Resetting your mind, to allow new neural pathways to be created.'

  • Zerona Z6 Laser & Power Plate 1 hour

    Week 4

  • Email - Accountability email to establish whether or not you are practicing the basics for health.  Such as avoiding unnecessary stress or drama, being active on a regular basis, getting basic nutrition, and avoiding processed foods and sugars.

  • Zerona Z6 Laser & Power Plate 1 hour

    Week 5

  • 30 minute call going over personalized symbolic actions that embody who you are, broken down in your daily life to enact the creation of a life that reflects you. 

  • Zerona Z6 Laser & Power Plate 1 hour

    Week 6

  • 1 hour session with Dr. Evan - Evaluation & Plan - (last session) Susan fry - provide closing email with final evaluation, and recommendations.

  • Zerona Z6 Laser & Power Plate 1 hour